Tuesday, December 6, 2011

vortexing the will

  Inspiration often abandons me when I feel the "need" to write and my mind wanders off into unarticulated worlds that remain only potential.  I could fashion anything at all out of that field but manage only that which I have in my world right now, which oftentimes appears to me as somewhat less than adventurous, not so novel as it might be.  Nevertheless, my faith that the next moment may be a turning point towards that which I more immediately desire keeps me taking another breath, and then another.  Perhaps it is not the desires themselves that keep me breathing as much as it is the observation of the desires coming to fruition.  The quality of energy flowing during the process of desire is akin to the sensation I experience when in orgasmic ecstacy.  The copulation of the principals of light and dark...the light representing everything and the dark representing the nothing, is essentially the only "movement" that ever really takes place as it is the foundation upon which all other appearance of movement is set.  There is an apparent beginning and an apparent ending to every cycle in life but, given the unbounded nature of the Universe, it is almost pointless to try to describe such an idea as "real".  What is reality seems to be what is happening in one's local (and universal, if one has access) and particular perception at any given moment in the stream of time/timelessness...whatever it is that we're measuring with.
  Recently a friend of mine shed his physical body in the death process so I was watching, albeit at a distance, contemplating the idea of death and its many faces.   Faces such as relief, or anger, or awareness, or triumph, or sorrow, or suffering, or victorious...these and many more masks accompany us to death's door where we will walk through....and when we do we find ourselves free of the need for masks of any kind.  That is my best guess at any rate.  What need do we have of masks when we decide to live in what I would term as something akin to our concept of honor, perhaps a field of honor, where Men speak with each other in openness and love or apprecation of the other's core identity, which we all might agree is the Great Spirit.  (When I capitalize Man I am of course referring to the species and including the feminine aspect.)  When I focus on the faces of those whom I have known that have made the jump into the next level of experience one thing always do I feel and see and that is the joy and wide smiles that emanate from them, energetically speaking.  Gotta be so much different than our daily experience here in the land of "living in the past".  I imagine a feeling of pure positive energy, a point whereupon I may "rest" from the great distortion that clamours for my attention endlessly, a place of absolute stillness that I may witness and therefore be so that whether I am in the tumult of the distortion or not, yet I am also in the stillness and so I know that the ever-changing nature of the distortion is founded upon the all- pervasive stillness, both bound together by a commonality that some call God, All that Is, Source, Allah, Ahura Mazda, all names referring to the Supreme, which would be the idea of Universal Oneness as the explicit and implicit nature of it All.  I remember a scriptural passage from the Bible that struck me at a young age and it has remained with me because I knew, when I read it, that it held a perfect reflection of the realization each must come to in Life...at some point.  I never memorized it except for a few of the words and they were spoken by Jesus, according to the text, and he said, "ye are all other gods...".  This has been affirmed by many spiritual teachers from many backgrounds, from all over the globe and so it seems to me that it would be a good place to experience some acceptance.  I am convinced that our bodies are not only a physically manifest "clump" but that the entire unseen aspect of Universal reality (the "nothing") is an unlimited and fully integrated support system for the physical vehicle, the densest manifestation of the consciousness of, who else(?), GOD.  Yes, we are the incarnation of GOD.  What else could we possibly be when looking from the understanding of the dance of the yin and the yang?  Right.  Anything.

  I ask myself, "What do I want?"  (Do you ever ask yourself that question?)  Seems that so many of us humans are under the misconception that we cannot experience what we want.  It is my sense that I have made the decisions for my current experiences and then, at that point, the results of those decisions began to vortex into my "reality tunnel", to borrow from Robert Anton Wilson, and so it seems that we are on a bit of a time delay while here in the third dimension...we are just a bit out of phase or in a distorted state that appears to limit us.   I imagine that it takes "time"  for an idea to get from the top of the vortex, way out there in the universal soup...in the womb of life, down to the point of singularity at the point where it is manifest.  Nevermind that simultanaity is apparently the inherent nature of Life...that is, it all happens now, in the present moment, and only in one "place"...perception seems to be a process akin to digestion, there's a compressing that appears to happen while at the same time all the myriad components of our lives conspire to create an image out of it all just as we believe it to be.  We create our own realities through this process.
  So, the One, or the Nothing, must express itself through the Everything or not at all.
  Add to this the idea that there is only one particle that provides the material of all creation...one particle traveling at infinite speed, being at every point necessary in the perfect timing of the flow in order to generate the appearance of what is.  Easy to vortex the will at that point of the one particle and then create the life you want by thinking and feeling it into manifestation.  We do it all the time.