Sunday, November 25, 2012


  "Superman and Green Lantern ain't got...nothin' on me."  That's kinda the way I feel today.  Like I need only activate my imagination in order to manifest an ongoing stream of apparently linear experiences that are tied together in a stream of cohesiveness and meaning, authored and authenticated by myself...the only authority I ever choose to listen to. 
  We immerse deeper into the photon cloud of the Galactic Sun and our alignment approaches, our transformation is nigh and we shall all be changed in the twinkling of an eye.  I have discovered that my Galactic family is here and has been all along.  What I mean is, for all intents and purposes, I am satisfied with the overwhelming evidence that our Cosmic relatives are here, waiting in the wings, assisting us in many ways and yet never intruding upon our free will.  There are no longer predators among us except those who are yet to fall upon their own swords, and they will because they must.  Their time is finished and their roles have been played and as the curtain is drawn upon them and their ideas of mechanical perfection and heartless human relations another stage appears and raises the curtain on an era of abundance and peace and resurrection and redemption, if you will.  The idea of epic destruction and cataclysmic woes is something that you have been fed by those who have plotted against you for many ages, to subject you to themselves in ways undetectable to a majority that has been lulled to sleep by hypnotic rhetoric carrying the thoughts of limitation, struggle, and many things to fear.  ( Add a lot of alcohol, CIA certified street drugs in great quantities, television co-opted by the corporate schemers who desire to sell you to yourself while they drain you of your creativity and sense of personal power and integrity, great distortions presented through false flag operations designed to create a problem which tends to result in a surrender of more civil freedoms as we the people demand that the creators of the problem find a way to solve it; wars, economic catastrophes, yada, yada, yada....genetically altered foods that have a negative effect upon the human body, chemicals in the water that are there to make the population more docile, like sodium flouride-otherwise commonly called industrial waste- and an immensity of other measures that have been taken to subject large populations to grand scale behavioral manipulation.)  Makes me fucking mad but I have learned that anger can be transmuted into a ruby energy that is more in the frequency range of  "resolution", one that only results when unconditional love is held and applied to all involved.  It is ever and only that love that can solve our problems and render us super(b) in the reality.  There are really no problems to solve for we make them up out of nothing and so they really have no basis in fact...they are an experience we move through and observe just as we move through the joys of life.  No need to hold on to any of it for it will eternally continue, like the ripple, in every conceivable direction.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

July 23, 2012...on the downhill run of the end of the world

  Today I feel as though I have lived a thousand life times since 5 AM, when I awoke.  It makes me consider the work of the Mayans who codified the process of this seeming compression of time that we are experiencing right now.  Of course, other calendars of a more cosmic nature that we have recovered from past civilizations such as the Egyptians, the Hopi, etc. have confirmed this perspective.  Terrence McCenna developed a software that used complex mathematical procedures and algorithms to calculate the energy rhythms that indicated major changes in man's development over the last 16,000,000,000 years and his calculations brought all time to an end on Dec. 21, 2012.  To me, that does not mean that the world will end on that day...just we now know it.  ( That is the same day that the Mayans, etc. offer for the same event...go figure)
  Another day, a different a theme...engulfs me and guides me through the thoughtscape that I am witnessing.   I am neither awake, neither asleep...but somewhere in a state of pure certainty that nothing is necessary.  I rest there and have made it a habit and while I am there I observe the incredible majesty of  the smallest and most insignificant.
  I seem to have found new spaces between the pores of my cells because of what feels like a more stepped up frequency of energy that affirms an inevitable expansion of ???...I'll leave that to wiser beings than I to ferret out...but something has changed in me and I expect that it is the velocity of life itself that has carried me to another set of expectations that have nothing at all to do with limitation.

The world has been transformed but the occupants on the surface are not sure that it is so.  Still, as we move through the timetable of transformation we will become more able to discern the changes that are newborn and emerging from the cradle of our now Cosmic relationship with the rest of the Galaxy (or Galaxies).  No longer are we to be imprisoned on the gravity well of Earth by our own condemnation...or anyone else's for that matter.  The forces of negativity are being systematically collapsed upon themselves as is the fate of any creation that does not serve the expansion and proliferation of the well being that can be reflected anywhere in the infinity of All That Is.  We are now and always have been free but we are only now remembering that it is so.  Life is nothing if not a drama of limitless proportions that we are destined to be a part of...always.  Death?  Not real, could not possibly hold reality.  Ever seen what happens to a flower that "dies"?  Of course.  We all have.  What we see is the cycle of life flowing through the flower and bringing it through the stages of its purpose in life and then it seems to shrivel and die but does it die or does it transform into an array of other elements (gases, solids, fluids) as it shapeshifts into another expression of limitless Nature?  Not unlike us, it desires to experience itself in many different ways.  Of course, it is consciousness that expresses through the flower and the human...the same consciousness.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Do you believe in Magic(k)?

  The great drama being played out on the stage of life is certainly full of every kind of possibility and the stage provides each of us with ample opportunity to immerse ourselves in any imagination we can concoct...we are all magicians after all.  Some might take issue with that but, in truth, if we will understand the ideas available in the study of quantum phenomena we would discover that the "material" of our Universe is better identified as mind stuff and so theoretically, since we all seem to have minds, we can easily "create", and do so, simply by thinking.  Thinking produces frequencies which produce the geometry of specific vibration and subsequent manifestation in the field of physical's the pattern of the One that we each inherit, so to speak.   In my mind, that makes us all magicians since we can all agree that thinking is something we all do. 
  OK.  So, what is mind stuff?  My sense is that mind stuff is the geometricly patterned manifestation of the frequencies that are called into being by virtue of the process of self recognition in the field of action.  In other words, a self thinks a thought, thinks many thoughts, each of which appear as a frequency of energy or force which is then personalized through the, let us say, the location of a self, the "I" or the "eye", in a dimensional medium of some it the space/time continuum, and this self is then free to concentrate any and all frequencies into it's own "vortex" and does so by virtue of its attention.  Ultimately, this field is one interconnected being but the joy of life is shared in the infinity of manifestational potential by unnumbered beings who are the offspring of That which Is. 
  The idea of magic(k) has to do with the ability or power to exert influence over a "distance".   This is a simple enough concept and the fact that thought produces a force that acts upon the field of being can be proven clinically and, in fact, we see it working everyday as the events of our lives unfold. (For information regarding the viable research that has been done over the years as to the power resident in each of us, read The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock).  There is not a moment that passes that we are not somehow involved in the attempt to both exert and receive influence.
  I understand that there are two ways to approach self realization:  One, is by virtue of the active stance, doing, taking action, even pursuing experience, like a magician might be doing and Two, the path of non action, like the ascetic in the cave who prefers to turn completely inward and allow the current of life to carry him without any resistance.  Personally, I see the integration of these two possiblities as the third option and the one that I myself have adopted and practice to the best of my ability at any given moment.  Being in the world, for most of us, requires taking action for many reasons all through each day, but suppose for a moment that you could sense yourself always at the center of your "vortex" inasmuch as you could always maintain that awareness of the stillpoint centeredness in the midst of any and all external disturbance or distortion.  This state is within us all even though we may define it differently.  If we would allow ourselves to listen to others, to life's many vibrational qualities, to the reflections of our queries of life as they play themselves out in the world that we are instantaneously and simultaneously co-creating, then would we not want to use our magic, our energy, to add to the beauty that exists in the world through the template of  the "divine man" that is our true nature and is the basis of all DNA?  Fear is the only barrier to expansion but it is a paper dragon that is imagined to have great power and some who use their magic to intimidate, decieve, and control have promulgated their own fears and snared most of mankind through their unending grasping, bringing many to a similar level of perceptual interpretation.  The manipulation of information has been the stranglehold these sorcerers have used to keep blinders on the "muggles", so to speak.  They have used the knowledge of the sacred to profane the material universe but then, where would we be without them?  They have played their part in the third dimensional drama that is necessary for our mass awakening.  Praise to the enemy!  Remember, we are one being expressing many faces and environments for the fulfilment of our desires and the gathering of wisdom through experience.

  Imagination can be parsed into I-magic-in-action.  Eye-magic is nothing more than the natural tendency that each of us has to put images to the words we think, so to speak.  It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words and so an image is a condensed packet of information and so as we use our imaginations to conjure desirable circumstances, as we see them, as we form them in our minds and feel their reality, we start them on their journey into our present level of physical density.  Negating this action by indulging in doubt or fear of some kind or another will create resistance to the manifestation and slow its fulfillment.  It is good to know that we do it all to ourselves, the good and the lets everyone off the hook, but it is wise to make the effort to allow life to guide one's heart so that the experiences that come are as close as possible vibrationally to the Central Sun of the Being that Is.
Whether we believe in magick or not it appears very obvious to me that we are energy beings who are in a constant flow of movement, pattern, color, and chaos which all finds a coherent expression in the middle of what appears to be an infinitely vast all happens right there in our own mind's eye.  To me, that's Magick.