Tuesday, September 11, 2012

July 23, 2012...on the downhill run of the end of the world

  Today I feel as though I have lived a thousand life times since 5 AM, when I awoke.  It makes me consider the work of the Mayans who codified the process of this seeming compression of time that we are experiencing right now.  Of course, other calendars of a more cosmic nature that we have recovered from past civilizations such as the Egyptians, the Hopi, etc. have confirmed this perspective.  Terrence McCenna developed a software that used complex mathematical procedures and algorithms to calculate the energy rhythms that indicated major changes in man's development over the last 16,000,000,000 years and his calculations brought all time to an end on Dec. 21, 2012.  To me, that does not mean that the world will end on that day...just time...as we now know it.  ( That is the same day that the Mayans, etc. offer for the same event...go figure) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooHYl1iNh9c
  Another day, a different feeling...like a theme...engulfs me and guides me through the thoughtscape that I am witnessing.   I am neither awake, neither asleep...but somewhere in a state of pure certainty that nothing is necessary.  I rest there and have made it a habit and while I am there I observe the incredible majesty of  the smallest and most insignificant.
  I seem to have found new spaces between the pores of my cells because of what feels like a more stepped up frequency of energy that affirms an inevitable expansion of ???...I'll leave that to wiser beings than I to ferret out...but something has changed in me and I expect that it is the velocity of life itself that has carried me to another set of expectations that have nothing at all to do with limitation.

The world has been transformed but the occupants on the surface are not sure that it is so.  Still, as we move through the timetable of transformation we will become more able to discern the changes that are newborn and emerging from the cradle of our now Cosmic relationship with the rest of the Galaxy (or Galaxies).  No longer are we to be imprisoned on the gravity well of Earth by our own condemnation...or anyone else's for that matter.  The forces of negativity are being systematically collapsed upon themselves as is the fate of any creation that does not serve the expansion and proliferation of the well being that can be reflected anywhere in the infinity of All That Is.  We are now and always have been free but we are only now remembering that it is so.  Life is nothing if not a drama of limitless proportions that we are destined to be a part of...always.  Death?  Not real, could not possibly hold reality.  Ever seen what happens to a flower that "dies"?  Of course.  We all have.  What we see is the cycle of life flowing through the flower and bringing it through the stages of its purpose in life and then it seems to shrivel and die but does it die or does it transform into an array of other elements (gases, solids, fluids) as it shapeshifts into another expression of limitless Nature?  Not unlike us, it desires to experience itself in many different ways.  Of course, it is consciousness that expresses through the flower and the human...the same consciousness.