"Superman and Green Lantern ain't got...nothin' on me." That's kinda the way I feel today. Like I need only activate my imagination in order to manifest an ongoing stream of apparently linear experiences that are tied together in a stream of cohesiveness and meaning, authored and authenticated by myself...the only authority I ever choose to listen to.
We immerse deeper into the photon cloud of the Galactic Sun and our alignment approaches, our transformation is nigh and we shall all be changed in the twinkling of an eye. I have discovered that my Galactic family is here and has been all along. What I mean is, for all intents and purposes, I am satisfied with the overwhelming evidence that our Cosmic relatives are here, waiting in the wings, assisting us in many ways and yet never intruding upon our free will. There are no longer predators among us except those who are yet to fall upon their own swords, and they will because they must. Their time is finished and their roles have been played and as the curtain is drawn upon them and their ideas of mechanical perfection and heartless human relations another stage appears and raises the curtain on an era of abundance and peace and resurrection and redemption, if you will. The idea of epic destruction and cataclysmic woes is something that you have been fed by those who have plotted against you for many ages, to subject you to themselves in ways undetectable to a majority that has been lulled to sleep by hypnotic rhetoric carrying the thoughts of limitation, struggle, and danger...so many things to fear. ( Add a lot of alcohol, CIA certified street drugs in great quantities, television co-opted by the corporate schemers who desire to sell you to yourself while they drain you of your creativity and sense of personal power and integrity, great distortions presented through false flag operations designed to create a problem which tends to result in a surrender of more civil freedoms as we the people demand that the creators of the problem find a way to solve it; wars, economic catastrophes, yada, yada, yada....genetically altered foods that have a negative effect upon the human body, chemicals in the water that are there to make the population more docile, like sodium flouride-otherwise commonly called industrial waste- and an immensity of other measures that have been taken to subject large populations to grand scale behavioral manipulation.) Makes me fucking mad but I have learned that anger can be transmuted into a ruby energy that is more in the frequency range of "resolution", one that only results when unconditional love is held and applied to all involved. It is ever and only that love that can solve our problems and render us super(b) in the reality. There are really no problems to solve for we make them up out of nothing and so they really have no basis in fact...they are an experience we move through and observe just as we move through the joys of life. No need to hold on to any of it for it will eternally continue, like the ripple, in every conceivable direction.