Monday, January 7, 2013

Magnetic Spin

  I have thought about magnetism quite a bit as I have looked for meaning in my life and I have come to the point of thinking about it as a very feminine expression, very wavy and light but with a body, if you will, in that it can be felt and is felt by each of us in every moment of our electromagnetic lives.  I sense it as a more magnified expression of the idea of tossing a pebble into a still pond, the pebble hits the water, the impact, which is magnetic in nature, sends ripples in every direction, everything in perfect balance, if truth be told, into infinity, and not only on the plane of the water but also in every potential dimensional reality that could be imagined, above, below, and in the four directions.  Almost too much info there but I am not certain that it really communicates anything at all to anyone else but myself.  Writing is not for cowards and I have been, in my own eyes, cowardly towards it, I have resisted the call to it because I wasn't convinced that it was anything I wanted to do...and I still feel that way.  I have created all kinds of distractions to keep myself from creating what I want.  Dumb stuff too, like an eight to five type full time job, something I am just enduring with a smile of complacent acceptance while at the same time thinking that I should be doing something to make a different outcome appear.  Then I come back to the idea that I am an eternal being and that I needn't be in any hurry to accomplish anything and that it is wiser to simply be attuned to the magnetic information that is flowing into and out from myself in every moment, as I said, and therefore be in the place of openness to the possibilities I have drawn into my magnetic structure, otherwise thought of as "my world".  For me, there's the rub!  If I trust that "I AM", and I do exist, then as I observe the cause and effect that happens around me, I begin to understand that what I think and do and say not only affects my world but is responsible for that world and all the meaning it holds.  In line with the principals at work in the law of attraction and, in my mind, represented graphically by the torroidal action of our own electromagnetic reality, it does seem to me that we do indeed create our own realities even as we share our conscious awareness of reality with a world of "others" who also impact the space in this way and collectivley agree, on a moment by moment basis, what is real and what is not.  It is my belief that we are one in our collective reality and each responsible to the unifying essence of what is externalized and what is not, the Spirit of All Possibilities, if you will, and when we are in that space we are in alignment with who we really are.  That's my spin on that .

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